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#249 Referenzliste in AttributeValue

Testcase to check if ADR Attributes still work without reference list


  1. Create a new sales order, add bpartner G000X and a pricelist

  2. zoom in to the pricelist and pick a product P0001

  3. set that is attribute price

  4. in next subtab add price 3, TU A as a HU and new line in attributes with ADR Val1. Make it standard

  5. go back to your order and add a new line with product P0001, TU A from quickinput
  6. Do the same steps 1-5 for Purchase Order

Simple sales order to invoice

  1. Create a sales order with 3 lines of the same product P0002, 2 lines with same ADR attribute and 1 with a different one

  2. print preview the order
  3. check created shipment schedules
  4. Make shipment from gear
  5. print preview the inout
  6. go to bpartner and set print format to the one with ADR specific (inactivate or remove it after step 7)

  7. print preview the inout again
  8. open invoice candidates and make invoice from gear
  9. print preview

Simple purchase order to invoice

  1. Create a purchase order with 3 lines of the same product P0002, 2 lines with same ADR attribute and 1 with a different one

  2. print preview the order
  3. go to receipt pos and select your lines to make inout one by one
  4. Go to created inouts
  5. print preview the inout
  6. open invoice candidates and make invoice from gear
  7. print preview

InOut with summed up lines

  1. Create a sales order with 1 line for a product on 3 TUs (no attributes)

  2. Create a purchase order for the same product (at least the qty from sales order)

  3. go to wareneingang pos and move it to the warehouse of the sales order and create a receipt

  4. Go to Kommissionier Terminal, select your warehouse and product

  5. select the picking slot, your product and press on hu editor button

  6. split the TU from your purchase order on 3 different LUs

  7. Set Marke ADR for 2 of the LUs with the same value (ADR 1)

  8. Set another Marke ADR for the third LU (ADR 2)

  9. Go to verdichtung pos and select your warehouse and bpartner

  10. select your HUs and set a transport, make inout

  11. go to created inout
  12. print preview

ADR matching

  1. Have Partner1 with ADR1 set as ADR Region (In Customer) - for this you have to go to bpartner window, select Partner1 and go to subtab Customer. There check adr region and then pick value ADR1

  2. Have Partner2 with ADR1 set as ADR_Vendor Region (in Vendor) - for this you have to go to bpartner window, select Partner2 and go to subtab Vendor. There check adr region and then pick value ADR1

  3. Create a sales order for Partner1, with a line for Product1, in Warehouse1

  4. add a product and set the ASI to ADR1

  5. Go to the sales order’s deliveryRule and set it to “Available” (not Forced!)

  6. Complete the order, and check the shipment schedule
  7. Create a purchase order for Partner2, for the same product (put a lower qty than the one from the sales order)

  8. Change the ASI to ADR2 (ADR2 shall not contain ADR1 in it)

  9. go to Wareneingang pos and create a material receipt based on the purchase order, put it in Warehouse1

  10. Check the shipment schedule
  11. create another purchase order, same as in step 7, but this time set ASI to ADR3 (which is a combination between ADR1 and other value)

  12. go to Wareneingang pos and create a material receipt based on the purchase order, put it in Warehouse1
  13. create another purchase order, same as in step 7, but this time set ASI to ADR1

  14. go to Wareneingang pos and create a material receipt based on the purchase order, put it in Warehouse1
  15. go to komissionier terminal and pick all HUs

  16. go to shipment schedule and make inout with the available HUs

  17. go to created inout
  18. Create another sales order, add a product and this time leave ASI empty

  19. Create a purchase order and put ASI ADR2

  20. go to Wareneingang pos and create a material receipt based on the purchase order, put it in Warehouse1

  21. Check the shipment schedule
  22. go to komissionier terminal and pick all HUs

  23. go to shipment schedule and make inout with the available HUs

  24. go to created inout

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