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#270 Purchase Order from Sales Order Process wrong Aggregation

Testcase to check if counter documents creation sets the correct Packing Instructions

Purchase order to sales order

  1. Setup
  2. Login with org2 and other rolle than admin

  3. create a purchase order, bpartner G000X (org1), add product P0002, and TU B (make sure TU A (mapped product of TU B) is not a package instruction for P0001)

  4. complete order and login with org1, role admin

  5. go to sales order, filter the ones which were done today
  6. Login back with org2 and other rolle than admin

  7. create another purchase order, bpartner G000X (org1), add product P0002, and TU B (make sure there exists TU A, which is a mapped product of TU B and package instruction for P0001)

  8. complete order and login with org1, role admin

  9. go to sales order, filter the ones which were done today

Sales order to purchase order

  1. Setup
  2. Login with org2 and other rolle than admin

  3. create a sales order, bpartner G000X (org1), add product P0002, and TU B (make sure TU A (mapping product of TU B) is not a package instruction for P0001)

  4. complete order and login with org1, role admin

  5. go to purchase order, filter the ones which were done today
  6. Login back with org2 and other rolle than admin

  7. create another sales order, bpartner G000X (org1), add product P0002, and TU B (make sure there exists TU A, which is a mapped product of TU A and package instruction for P0001)

  8. complete order and login with org1, role admin

  9. go to purchase order, filter the ones which were done today

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