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#337 ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint “c_bpartner_stats_c_bpartner_id_unique” triggered from some callouts

Testcase to check sales orders with and without business partner location

Business Partner Location

  1. Go to business partner window and take an already existing bpartner G000X or create one

  2. go to subtab Address and make it inactive (all if are more addresses)

  3. Create new sales order and add G000X
  4. go back to business partner - address subtab

  5. activate the address but make sure isShipTo is on N

  6. Create new sales order and add G000X
  7. go back to business partner - address subtab

  8. put isShipTo is on Y, isShipToDefault on N

  9. Create new sales order and add G000X

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