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IT gh#1353

Problem with C_Order filtering in M_ShipmentSchedule

Testcase to check if C_Order filtering in M_ShipmentSchedule is working correctly for different Orgs.

  1. Make sure that Autocomplete is enabled for C_OrderLine_ID, in M_ShipmentSchedule (=> SysAdmin, Org *)

  2. Log in as Admin, Org II or II, and create 2 sales orders:
  3. In db, set the document no.s for both orders to the same number; also make sure this doc no. is not anywhere else

  4. Log in with a role that has only access to Org I, open M_ShipmentSchedule

  5. In field Auftrag, start writing the doc no. you set for both orders:
  6. Select the suggested order, and check the M_ShipmentSchedule:
  7. Log in with a role that has only access to Org II, open M_ShipmentSchedule

  8. In field Auftrag, start writing the doc no. you set for both orders:
  9. Select the suggested order, and check the M_ShipmentSchedule:
  10. Log in again as Admin, and repeat the same in M_ShipmentSchedule:

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