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make inout print preview faster

Testcase to check if performance of inout print preview has improved.

  1. Set print format for bpartner G000X in C_BP_PrintFormat to Lieferschein

  2. Open a sales inout of bpartner G000X (if possible, select one with a high number of inout lines), press print preview

  3. Change print format for bpartner G000X in C_BP_PrintFormat to Lieferschein Customer Individual, Lieferschein mit ADR Attribut, etc. (also set it to Null)

  4. After every change in print format, go to the sales inout of bpartner G000X, press print preview again

  5. Open a purchase inout for bpartner G000X (if possible, select one with >1 inout line), press print preview

  6. Open Wareneingang POS, select an orderline of bpartner G000X where an inout was made (if possible, select one where several inouts were made for the same order and products had different ASI set), press Drucken Produktanlieferung

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