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Product BPartner Constraint Issue

Testcase to check that entries in C_BPartner_Product only allow the Org from TopLevel, or all Org when * is set for the product.

Part I

  1. Open Produkt (M_Product), search for AD_Org = Org I

  2. Select product P0001, go to tab Geschäftspartner (C_BPartner_Product)

  3. Create a new entry

  4. Set bpartner: start writing G000

  5. Create the entry in tab Geschäftspartner (C_BPartner_Product) for G000X, save

  6. Try creating another new entry in tab Geschäftspartner (C_BPartner_Product), again for G000X, save

  7. In first tab Produkt (M_Product), search for AD_Org = Org *

  8. Create a new product, e.g. P0005

  9. Go to tab Geschäftspartner (C_BPartner_Product), and create a new entry

  10. Set bpartner: start writing G000

Part II

  1. For P0002, in Org II, create new entries in tab Geschäftspartner (C_BPartner_Product):

  2. Make sure P0002 is included in the customer pricelist of G000Y and the vendor pricelist of G000Z

  3. Create a sales order for G000Y, in Org II, for P0002 (qty and PI don’t matter)

  4. Gear, Generate PO from Sales Order:

  5. Check the newly created purchase order:

  6. Create a new product, P0006, in M_Product with Org = *

  7. Create entries in tab Geschäftspartner (C_BPartner_Product):

  8. In db, change AD_Org for G000X in C_BPartner_Product of P0006 to Org I

  9. Create a sales order for G000Y, in Org II, for P0006

  10. Gear, Generate PO from Sales Order:

  11. Check the newly created purchase order:

  12. Create the inouts from shipment schedules and the invoices from invoice candidates for your sales orders

  13. Complete the purchase orders, and create the inouts in Wareneingang POS and the invoices from invoice candidates for them

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