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purchase orders created with wrong IsTaxIncluded value

Testcase to check if purchase orders created from PMM_PurchaseCandidates have correct IsTaxIncluded value taken from the pricelist.

  1. Make sure that the vendor pricelist P is used for G000X

  2. Create PMM_PurchaseCandidates for G000X from WebUI, for P0001 and P0002, with a PI e.g. G1 x 5kg

  3. Open the PMM_PurchaseCandidate, search for bpartner G000X, and date of test

    Product Price
    P0001 1.00
    P0002 2.00
  4. Set a Quantity to Order (TU) 1 for both PMM_PurchaseCandidates, then create a purchase order for each (use filter!)

  5. Open the purchase orders, and check tab Order Tax

    PO for Tax (Example) Tax Amount Tax base Amount Price includes Tax
    P0001 2,5% 0.125 4.875 Y
    P0002 2,5% 0.25 9.75 Y
  6. Create the inouts for your orders in Wareneingang POS

  7. Open the Invoice Candidates

  8. Create the invoices

  9. Check tab Invoice Tax

    I for Tax (Example) Tax Amount Tax base Amount Price includes Tax
    P0001 2,5% 0.125 4.875 Y
    P0002 2,5% 0.25 9.75 Y
  10. Check the Jaspers for both order and invoice


  1. Repeat testcase above, but with a bpartner that has vendor pricelist with IsTaxIncluded=N

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