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#361 Request change for customer service

Testcase to check the changes of window request and the new async process for creating them for material receipts with issues.

New window layout

  1. Open window Vorgang (alle), check fields and order of fields:
  2. In Vorgangsart, set Lieferanten- or Kundenreklamation, add sth in Notiz, save:

New Async Process for creating requests from material receipt

  1. Create a purchase order for G000X, for P0001 and P0002

  2. In Wareneingang POS, create material receipts:
  3. Open Vorgang (alle), search for G000X:
  4. Check requests created for G000X:

Comparison Vorgang (alle) and Vorgang window

  1. For the requests of receipt I, set:
  2. Also set sth. in Ergebnis (in text field or select sth. from Ergebnisvorlagen, if some exist), save:
  3. Log out and in again, as SuperUser

  4. Click Aufgaben button at the right bottom:
  5. Create a new request:
  6. In Vorgangsart, set Lieferanten- or Kundenreklamation, add sth in Notiz, save:

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