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#497 WebUI - ShipmentSchedule Window

Testcase to check Shipment Schedule window

Shipment Schedule

  1. open webui and press on home button

  2. select browse whole tree
  3. open Lieferdisposition
  4. Select a random entry and duble click on it
  5. go back to home, select browse whole tree, and open new sales order

  6. create a new sales order, with 2 products: 1 shall have hu and attributes, and the other one no hu and no attribute

  7. set different dates for ordered and promised and complete it

  8. go to Referenced documents and select Lieferdispo
  9. (adding a new line for HU in lieferdispo is not implemented yet)

  10. go to Actions select Auswahl Liefern
  11. press on start * => window closes * => soon you will see that you have a new unread message

  12. select the notification message
  13. go back to lieferdispo and select the Referenced documents
  14. select shipment from Referenced documents
  15. open lieferdispo window again and right click on any entry (also use right click on the right side, when the page ends)
  16. select open in new tab
  17. select another entry in lieferdispo, right click and select delete
  18. while the pop-up is opened try to click outside it
  19. press on delete

Stress Test

  1. Open Lieferdispo window, in grid view, and navigate from one page to another
  2. Open Lieferdispo window, in grid view, and navigate to page 5

  3. Go to home, select browse whole tree, and open Sales Order window
  4. Open Lieferdispo window, in grid view, and navigate from page 1 to page 6

  5. order fields by product

  6. navigate from page 1 to 6

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