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What is the final document address composed of?


The address on documents such as order confirmation, delivery note, invoice etc. in metasfresh comprises a set of different data.

We include an example to show what a document address is composed of:


Document address Source Where can I find it?
metasfresh AG Business Partner Window Business Partner => Field Name
Mr. Norbert Wessel Contact Window Business Partner, Tab Contact, Fields Greeting,Name
IT Department Address - Address line 1 Window Business Partner, Tab Location, Button Address, Field Address 1
Am Nossbacher Weg 2 Address - Street Window Business Partner, Tab Location, Button Address, Field Address 1
53179 Bonn Address - ZIP and City Window Business Partner, Tab Location, Button Address, Fields ZIP and City
Deutschland Address - County Window Business Partner, Register Location, Button Adresse, Feld Country

Where to go from here

How is the generation of the document address being configured?

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