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Data Import to metasfresh


You can quickly import externally stored data (such as Excel spreadsheets with data on business partners or products) into metasfresh through the use of the import feature and thus also bring existing entries up to date. To do so, you first have to format the data appropriately, upload them as a CSV or TXT file and then simply import them via the actions menu.


  1. Add an import format using the appropriate database table (see overview below) where you define the data, or rather the columns, as well as their data types that are to be transferred from the import file into metasfresh.
  2. Have an import file ready containing data formatted according to the import format (see format examples in the overview below).
  3. Import your data using the appropriate import format (see instructions in the overview below).

    Important note:
    1) Make sure that the separator from the import file coincides with the one defined in the import format (comma, semicolon, tab, etc.).
    2) Please also make sure that both the decimal and the thousands separators from the import file match with your respective language-specific system preferences (e.g., Eng.: $ 1,999.95 vs. Ger.: € 1.999,95).

Table Overview

Import Data DB Table Format Example Instructions
Bank Statement Data Import Bank Statement view read
Business Partner Data Import Business Partner view read
Chart of Accounts Data Import Account view read
Custom Data Entries Import Data Entry Record view read
Discount Schema Data Discount Schema Import view read
Postal Data Import Postal Data view read
Product Data Import Product view read
Replenishment Data Import Replenishment view read
User Data Import User view read

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