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How do I add rules to a price list schema?


A price list schema in metasfresh can be used to copy existing product prices from one price list version to another or to update various customer-specific price lists with new prices in one go. In the price list schema, you can use rules to define which products are affected, for which product category and/or which business partner the schema shall apply, and whether the standard prices shall be increased by a surcharge amount.



Add schema lines

  1. Open “Price List Schema Line” from the menu.
  2. Create a new entry.
  3. In the field Discount Schema, enter a part of the name of the price list schema to which the schema line shall be assigned and click on the matching result in the drop-down list.
  4. In case of multiple lines for the same schema you can specify their order via the field SeqNo.

    Note: The lowest number comes first.

Define rules

The following specifications are all optional and can be combined with each other as required.
  1. In the field Product, enter a part of the name or number of the product of your choice and click on the matching result in the drop-down list.
  2. Pick a Product Category.
  3. In the field Business Partner, enter a part of the name or number of the business partner of your choice and click on the matching result in the drop-down list.
  4. Pick a Tax Category.
  5. Enter a Std. Price Surcharge Amt. or leave it at 0.00.
  6. The field Standard Price Rounding specifies the number of decimal places for price calculations.
  7. Pick a Target Tax Category.

    Note: This will become the tax category of the new product prices.

  8. metasfresh saves the progress automatically.

Next Steps

Note for “Copy Product Prices”:
To be able to copy product prices, the price list schema set in the selected price list version must include at least one schema line. Yet it is not strictly necessary to define any specific rules, such as a product, business partner or surcharge amount.
In case, however, there are rules defined and you are using this price list schema to copy product prices, the rules will be applied automatically to all affected products.

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