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How do I automatically set the date promised in an order to a certain number of days after the order date? (System Administrator)


In metasfresh, the date promised of a sales order by default coincides with the order date. Should the dates diverge, they can be changed accordingly by hand. If, however, the date promised generally lies a minimum number of days after the order date, a system administrator can go ahead and adjust the default settings accordingly. To do so, please proceed as follows:


  1. Log in to metasfresh with the user role “System Administrator”.
  2. Open “System Configuration” from the menu.
  3. Use the filter and search for the system configuration with the Name de.metas.order.DatePromisedOffsetDays.
  4. Open the system configuration entry.
  5. In the field Search Key, enter the number of days by which the date promised shall be postponed, depending on the order date.
  6. metasfresh saves the progress automatically. The changes apply immediately.

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