#718 Wrong location in empties vendor return
Testcase to check location in empties vendor return
Create a purchase order for G000X
open Receipt POS and select your warehouse, bpartner G000X, your order and line
- press on Leergut button
- => Leergut window opens with bpartner and address set, like in order (G000X)
- => is the bpartner’s name (c_bpartner.name) and address name (c_bpartner_address.name)
change the bpartner to G000Y and set a random address
- add one or more HUs and press ok
- => purchase rma inout window opens
- => bpartner is G000Y and address from G000Y, the one you selected
- in receipt POS press on leergut again (having same line selected)
- => Leergut window opens with bpartner and address set, like in order (G000X)
- add one or more HUs and press ok
- => purchase rma inout window opens
- => bpartner is G000X and address from G000X, the one you had in order
Create a purchase order for G000Y
open Receipt POS and select your warehouse, bpartner G000Y, your order and line (you can also select the line directly)
- press on Leergut button
- => Leergut window opens with bpartner and address set, like in order (G000Y)
change the address of G000Y
- add one or more HUs and press ok
- => purchase rma inout window opens
- => bpartner is G000Y and address from G000Y, the one you changed in leergut
- in Receipt pos, open leergut again, for the same line
- => Leergut window opens with bpartner and address set, like in order (G000Y)
- change the type of RMA (on the sales rma inout)
- => bpartner and address are removed
add bpatner G000X and he’s location
- add one or more HUs and press ok
- => sales rma inout window opens
- => bpartner is G000X and address from G000X, the one you set in leergut
go to bpartner windows, select G000Y. Go to address subtab
inactivate some addresses
- go back to Receipt POS and open leergut for this bpartner
- => notice that the addresses which are inactivate, you cannot see them here
create a new purchase order with G000X, set isdropship on Y and add bpartner G000Y and an address from G000Y
- open Receipt POS and select the line of your last order, open leergut
- => line in receipt POS is for G000X
- => leergut opens for G000Y and addresses from G000Y (the dropship bpartner)
- add some HUs, press ok
- => purchase rma inout window opens
- => bpartner is G000Y and address from G000Y, the dropship ones
- open leergut again for the same line
- => leergut opens for G000Y and addresses from G000Y (the dropship bpartner)
change bpartner with G000X, select the address
- add some HUs, press ok
- => purchase rma inout window opens
- => bpartner is G000X and address from G000X, the ones you changed in leergut
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