DD Order CU calculation wrong when TU = 1
Testcase to check if the qtys are calculated right in distribution orderline
Distribution order
Go to Distribution order window and create a new one
Add the doctype, bpartner G000X, transit warehouse and save
- Add a new line, set product P0001, save
- => qty TU is 0, HU is null and qtyCU is 1
- Add a new line, same product, add a HU: TU A x t (let’s say t=10)
- => qty TU is 1, TU A x t and qtyCU is 10
- save
- change qtyTU to 6
- => qtyCU updates to 60 (6*t)
- save
- change HU to TU B x u (let’s say u=5)
- => qtyCU updates to 30 (6*u)
- save
- change HU to TU C (unlimited capacity)
- qty CU and TU didn’t change
- add a new line with product P0001, TU C
- change qty TU to 11, save
- Complete order
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