Testcase to check if all changes & updates made are correctly logged and displayed in Changelog.
Make sure that Maintain Changelog is checked for OLCands, C_Invoice_Candidate, M_Inout
Make sure Role Admin has Changelog enabled as well
Log in as User S, Role Admin, and have your OLCands imported
In the OLCands of P0001 and P0002, change bpartner from G000X to G000Y (Geschäftspartner abw.), also change the location to G000Y’s, save
Check the changelog
Create the sales order for your OLCands by running Transaktion Freigeben for your import
Open the sales order(s) for the OLCands of P0001 and P0002, zoom into Invoice Candidates
Check the changelog
Zoom into Lieferdispo, create the inout with Gear, Auswahl liefern (note the time!)
Zoom into the inout, and reduce the qty for both products P0001 and P0002
Save and complete the inout, check the changelog
Go back to the Invoice Candidates, check the changelog
Go back to the OLCands of P0001 and P0002, check the changelog again
In database, run
FROM AD_Changelog
AND TrxName ilike 'GenerateInOutFromShipmentSchedules'
AND Created>='2016-05-24 16:20:00'
AND Created>='2016-05-24 16:25:00'
Data for Created shall cover the time when you created the inout, this is just an example!
Open Prozess-Revision, and search for Prozess-Instanz (ID): = the one you received from the query above