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Business Partner Group Migration to AD_Org 0

Testcase to check if bpartner groups are created ok and can be used for any role

Business Partner Group

  1. Search in database
    SELECT AD_Org_ID, * FROM C_BP_Group WHERE AD_Org_ID != 0
  1. Log in with Admin and your usual org

  2. open business partner window and select or create a new bpartner

  3. select the dropdown of business partner group
  4. logout

  5. if you don’t have any other role and org, you can login with admin and create new ones: go to role window and create a new one. On org acces zoom in on org_id and create a new one, then set it in role access

  6. login with this new role and org

  7. open the business partner window and create a new bpartner

  8. select the dropdown of business partner group
  9. sql that was used to update groups:
	AD_Org_ID = 0,
	CreatedBy = 100,
	UpdatedBy = 100

UPDATE C_BP_Group_Acct 
	AD_Org_ID = 0,
	CreatedBy = 100,
	UpdatedBy = 100

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