Picking issue
Testcase to check how picking terminal reacts when trying to pick more than you can
Picking Terminal
Make a sales order, business partner G000x, warehouse X, product P0001 and qty 100, 10 Ax10 (TUs)
- make a purchase order, Warehouse Z, product P0001 qty 200, 20 Ax10 (TUs)
- notice: set the same AttributeSetInstance as you have in the sales order
- go to wareneingang pos and receive all 200 in warehouse X
- if you can’t do this, you have to go to network distribution, open one and add a line from whX to whZ
go to Picking terminal (kommissionier terminal), select whX, business partner G000x, the date
- select product P0001, press ok
select a picking slot, product P0001 and press on HU Editor
- split out several TUs on multiple LUs (like: 10/1/6 - meaning 6 LUs each with 1 TU of 10kg)
- => now you have 1 LU with 14 TUs and 6 LUs with 1 TU each
- select an LU with qty 10
- open hu editor: select the big LU with qty 140
- => error message because qty is too much
- => slot qty remains on 10/100
- open hu editor: select an LU with qty 10
select a TU for the slot (e.g. Ax10)
- use hinzuf with qty 120
- => error message because qty is too much
- => slot remains on 20/100
- use hinzuf with qty 5
- use hinzuf with qty 120
- => error message because qty is too much
- => slot remains on 25/100
- use hinzuf with qty 5
- use verteilen with 1 TU
- => slot updates to 40/100
- use verteilen with 15 TUs
- => slot updates to 100/100
- => no error message that the qty is too much
- press ok
- => your product disappeares from picking terminal
go to Verdichtung pos, select warehouse whX and bpartner G000x
- select the address and press ok
- => hu editor opens with all your HUs you created in picking terminal
put them all on an LU, set a transportation and create the inout from button “lieferschein erstellen”
- open your inout, complete it
- => it has the same amount of HUs as you had in Verdichtung POS
- => qty CU is 100
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