Testcase to check if missing counter documents are listed in rv_missing_counter_documents window
Open document type window
open doctype bestellung and set “create counter document” and “default counter document” on Y
open doctype standardauftrag and set “create counter document” and “default counter document” on Y
open c_docbasetype_counter window and set the entries for POO-SOO and SOO-POO inactive
open Counter document window and set inactive the one for document type bestellung and counter document type standardauftrag
go to business partner window and open the bpartner for your organisation G000X, org1 (the one you are logged on with)
open subtab customer and add a sales price system from another organization, org2
open the bpartner for another organisation G000Y, org2
open subtab vendor and set a purchase price system from org1
make sure that on both pricelist exists the same product P0001 and P0002 (it’s the same product, but the value differs. See M_Product_Mapped_V)
rv_missing_counter_documents window
Open a new instance with rolle2, org2
go to purchase order and create a new one, add product P0002 (ca also add more products)
go to c_docbasetype_counter and reactivate the entries you inactivated
you can also go to Counter document window and activate back the entrie for bestellung-standardauftrag
go to instance with rolle2, org2 and create a new purchase order, same product(s)
create a new purchase order in rolle2, org2
go to database and for the new sales order, set ref_orderline_id on null, for one of the lines