#216 Accounting: Invoice grand total Fact_Acct line was not found
Testcase to check if Invoice grand total Fact_Acct line was created when Allocating Writeoff/ Discount completely
Invoice with Discount
Create a new sales order and add a tax in the line >0. Complete
- Create an outgoing payment, set the invoice, complete
- => allocation was created, invoice grand total line was there
Create a new sales order and add a tax in the line >0. Complete
- Create an outgoing payment, set the invoice, write a discount with the total amount, complete
- => allocation was created, invoice grand total line was there
Create a new sales order and add a tax in the line >0. Complete
- Create an outgoing payment, set the invoice, write a discount with a partial amount, complete
- => allocation was created, invoice grand total line was there
Create a new sales order and add a tax in the line >0. Complete
- Create an outgoing payment, set the invoice, write a discount with the total writeoff, complete
- => allocation was created, invoice grand total line was there
Create a new sales order and add a tax in the line >0. Complete
- Create an outgoing payment, set the invoice, write a discount with a partial writeoff, complete
- => allocation was created, invoice grand total line was there
- repeat the same steps from 1-10 but with a purchase invoice and incoming payment
Invoice without Discount
Create a new sales order and add a tax in the line =0. Complete
- Create an outgoing payment, set the invoice, complete
- => allocation was created, invoice grand total line was there
Create a new sales order and add a tax in the line =0. Complete
- Create an outgoing payment, set the invoice, write a discount with the total amount, complete
- => allocation was created, invoice grand total line was there
Create a new sales order and add a tax in the line =0. Complete
- Create an outgoing payment, set the invoice, write a discount with a partial amount, complete
- => allocation was created, invoice grand total line was there
Create a new sales order and add a tax in the line =0. Complete
- Create an outgoing payment, set the invoice, write a discount with the total writeoff, complete
- => allocation was created, invoice grand total line was there
Create a new sales order and add a tax in the line =0. Complete
- Create an outgoing payment, set the invoice, write a discount with a partial writeoff, complete
- => allocation was created, invoice grand total line was there
- repeat the same steps from 1-10 but with a purchase invoice and incoming payment
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