#292 Automatically add reference no from purchase order to invoice candidate
Testcase to check if the reference no is set in invoice candidates
Reference number propagation
Create a new purchase order for bpartner G000X and add 2 products, P0001, P0002
set a reference number, save and complete
- zoom in on the created invoice candidates
- => 2 invoice candidates are created, for products P0001 and P0002. Both have the reference number you set on step 2
- Go to receipt pos and create 2 inouts (1 per product)
- => 2 inouts are created and both have the reference number empty
- zoom in to invoice candidates
- => new invoice candidates are created for the handling units. All have the reference number you set on step 2
- Go to gear and create an invoice
- => invoice was created with the same reference number
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