#311 Payment Selection Exception when not able to find bpartner account
Testcase to check if PaySelection works without errors if a bpartner has a bank account without bpbankacctuse.
Make sure that one of the bank accounts of G000X has bpbankacctuse empty (also check in db!)
- Also make sure that the other bank accounts of G000X have:
- flag Default checked for one (should have bpbankacctuse = Both, Bankeinzug & Überweisung)
- bpbankacctuse = DirectDeposit, Überweisung for the other
Create 3 purchase invoices for G000X, with P0001 (if no price is set in pricelist, set one manually!)
Open PaySelection (Zahlung anweisen), create a new one, save
- Add a line manually, by selecting the first of your invoices:
- => G000X and its bank account with bpbankacctuse = DirectDeposit, Überweisung is set in the line
- => no exception is thrown because of the bankaccount without bpbankacctuse
- Save, click Zahlung vorbereiten and create the payment with Gear, Zahlung anweisen
- => all working fine, no errors
Set both the bank accounts with bpbankacctuse to bpbankacctuse = Both, Bankeinzug & Überweisung
Open Payment Allocation, search for G000X
- Select your 2nd invoice, and click Zahlung anweisen to create another PaySelection:
- => G000X and its standard bank account is set in the line
- => no exception is thrown because of the bankaccount without bpbankacctuse
Un-check the default flag so that none of the bank accounts shall be set as Standard
Create a third PaySelection, save
- Add a line by using Erstellen aus… button (set filters so that your 3rd invoice will be taken!):
- => G000X and the bank account with the smallest ID is set in the line
- => no exception is thrown because of the bankaccount without bpbankacctuse
- Save, click Zahlung vorbereiten and create the payments with Gear, Zahlung anweisen for both PaySelections
- => all working fine, no errors
- Repeat the same cases with sales invoices and account with bpbankacctuse = DirectDebit, Bankeinzug (instead of Both)
- => DirectDebit will be set primarily in pay selection
- Repeat same case for sales invoice, Credit Memo
- => DirectDeposit (Überweisung) will be set primarily in pay selection
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