#347 change default docaction after complete
Testcase to check default docactions in documents
Sales Order
- create and complete order
- button turns into reactivate
- select button
- you can Void and REactivate
- if you select reactivate the order reactivates, if you select Loschen the button sais None and becomes inactive
Purchase Order
- create and complete order
- button turns into reactivate
- select button
- you can Void and REactivate
- if you select reactivate the order reactivates, if you select Loschen the button sais None and becomes inactive
Sales Inout
- create and complete inout
- button turns into reactivate
- select button
- you can Void, REactivate and Reverse
- if you select reactivate the order reactivates, if you select Loschen the button sais None and becomes inactive
Purchase Inout
- create and complete inout
- button turns into reactivate
- select button
- you can Void, REactivate and Reverse
- if you select reactivate the order reactivates, if you select Loschen the button sais None and becomes inactive
Sales Invoice
- create and complete invoice
- button turns into reverse
- select button
- if you select reverse the button sais None and becomes inactive
Purchase Invoice
- create and complete invoice
- button turns into reverse
- select button
- if you select Loschen the button sais None and becomes inactive
Payment - Allocation
- go to payment and create a new one, add invoice, complete
- button turns into reverse
- select the button
- zoom in to allocation
- select the button
go to wareneingang pos and move a product from 1 warehouse to another
- go to movements window
- select the button
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