#31 Implement document actions
Testcase to check jaspers, processes, document actions and error logging
Print preview
Go to Extras, Settings set Always print by preview on Y, printer pdf (or some printer)
- run reports from process, from gear and from documents
- => you first see a loading message
- => you get a print preview
Go to Extras, Settings set Always print by preview on N, printer pdf (or some printer)
- run reports from process, from gear and from documents
- => no loading message
- => if printer is pdf: you get a pdf saved somewhere in your user folder
- => if printer is set to a real printer: you will get your document printed
Reports from menu
- open all reports from menu
- e.g. Saldobinaz, Konten-Info, Revisionsstelle Geschäftspartner
- => they work fine
- if the report also has excel, export the file from print preview
- e.g. Gebindesaldo gesamt
- => an excel file is saved on the path you selected
- run excel reports from menu (e.g. Einkaufsstatistk)
Reports from window button
go to Speditionsauftrag window
find one which has lines and it’s completed
press on Rustliste drucken
- => jasper print preview opend for that document
Reports from gear
- open all reports from gear (e.g. Pricelist from Bpartner window, SSCC18 from edi, PP_Order)
Reports from documents
- open all reports from documents (print preview button from documents: order, inout, invoice and so on)
Label Reports
- open all label reports from:
- receipt pos
- handling units pos
- aggregation pos
- distribution pos
- issue pos
- => all work fine
Report language
- when a document jasper is printed, the language is taken from the bpartner
- => most jasper documents are taking the language from bpartner
- exception are inout drafted
- run print preview for a drafted sales inout
- => you get the report in the language you log in with
- have an order containing both bpartner and dropship bpartner, each with different language. Print the report
- => language is taken from bpartner
- there are some reports processes which are translated (e.g. ADR Auswertung). Run them for a special bpartner
- => language is taken from that bpartner
Modal vs Regular
- Check the id of a document
- => a modal panel opens with document’s info
- => you can’t access other windows without closing it first
- open any pos, open HU Editor
- => hu editor is a modal panel so you cannot access other windows while it’s open
- open any jasper process from menu
- => process panel is regular so you can access any other window
- open any jasper process from gear
- => process panel is modal so you can’t access any other window
- open and run a process that it should return a message (e.g. bestellung aus auftrag)
- => process runs fine, after it’s done you get an info message with the order’s document number that was crated
- => also all processes that have allowprocessrerun on Y, shall have the panel remaning there after it’s done
Document processing
- Check if complete, reactivate, close, void and reverse-correct works on documents
Scheduled Processes
- create a sales order and wait a bit
- => a shipment schedule is created
- go to shipment schedule and create an inout from it. Don’t complete it
- => shipment schedule is set on “to act.” then it actualizes
- change qty in inoutline
- => shipment schedule is set on “to act.” again and in aprox. 1 minute it actualizes
- create an invoice or a journal and complete it. Wait a bit
- => the document gets posted without errors
- check if consoles and UI errors work fine:
- e.g.: go to warehouses and make sure that no warehouse is issue
- create a purchase order and open it in receipt pos, set a quality discount
- press ok
- => an error appears saying that there is no issue warehouse defined (seen in both UI and console)
- check if server errors work fine:
- create a gl journal with 2 accounts that are not compatible
- => an error will appear on server
- check if the async errors work fine
- log in with another org, that has almost all configurations to have a counter document created for a purchase order
- don’t make a counter product for it, or set a wrong pricelist for the couter bpartner
- while in org2, create a purchase order, complete it
- log in to org1 and check async window
- => there you get an error for the uncompleted configuration
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