#33 Implement document filters from AD_UserQuery
Testcase to check if filters work well
Menu Search
- Login and start to search in the main window
- => search and autocomplete works fine
- => if you start wirting something, in the dorpdown it shows everything related from menu
Documents search
- open invoice candidates window and use normal search
- => dropdown search works fine
- => Y/N search works fine
- => autocomplete in product and bpartner works fine
- => text and table search works fine
- => only entries for your filter appear
- open other documents (like Order) and use normal search
- open a non dynamic window (eg PaymentAllocationForm), search for bpartner
* => autocomplete and filtering works fine. Only entries from that bpartner appear
Documents advanced search
- open invoice candidates window and use advanced search
- => comparison and logical operators search works fine
- => Y/N search works fine
- => autocomplete in product and bpartner works fine
- => text search works fine
- => only entries for your filter appear
- open other documents (like Order) and use advanced search
- use dropdown and select an existing filter
New search
open invoice candidates window and set some filters (eg product and bpartner)
right above, write a name for that filter, then press save
use the dropdown to move from one filter to another
- go back to your filter
- => filter is the same as you set, nothing changed and it works
change something in your filter (eg the product), save
- move to other filter then back
- => filter is the same as you updated, nothing changed and it works
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