#494 R_Request new Request context missing
Testcase to check context and display logic in Request window
Display logic
Go to Request window (Vorgang)
Zoom in to Request Type window (Vorgangsart) and make sure you have at least one request type with internal name A or B (customer/vendor complaint). Rest of them can have internal name empty.
While you are in Request window, create a new entry
- set Request Type to one without internal name
- => there are no UI changes
- change the Request Type to one with internal name (do not save)
- => fields update without the need to save
- => some fields appear (e.g. delivery date, rucklieferung, next action) - specific fields for complaint
- => some fields hide (e.g. project, invoice, rma)
- => see window layout here: https://github.com/metasfresh/metasfresh-documentation/blob/master/_tests_collection/Testcase_FRESH-636.md
- change the Request Type again, to one without internal name (do not save)
- => fields update without saving
- => specific fields for complaint are hidden, and the other ones appear
- change the Request Type to one with internal name, set all mandatory fields, save
- => fields changed accordingly (before save)
While you have Request window (Vorgang) opened, go to extras, open settings
- Open context tab
- => you can see the fields from request window
Open another window, like Order window
- Open context tab again
- => you can see the fields from both windows
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