ShipmentScheduleBL.updateSchedules fails after C_Order was voided
Testcase to check if shipment schedules are deleted correctly after a sales order is voided.
- Create and complete a sales order for G000X:
- P0001, 5 TU A
- P0002, 3 TU B
Create the inout from shipment schedules (leave the window open!)
In the shipment, set the qty for P0001 to 3 TU A, to create a partial inout, complete
- In shipment schedule window, refresh:
- => P0001: qty to deliver: qty of 2 TUs, orange
- => P0002: qty to deliver: 0, red
Go back to you sales order, and void it
- Check the console:
- => no errors regarding “update or delete on table “m_shipmentschedule”” or exceptions like “Found QtyPicked record with non-zero qty even if the shipment schedule has QtyDelivered=0”
- Check your shipment:
- => shipment is deacitvated, docstatus is Nichts
- Check your shipment schedules again:
- => the shipment schedule for P0001, with the partial inout, was deleted
- => the shipment schedule for P0002, that was fully delivered, has all qties=0, is read-only and processed
- => tab for shipment of shipment schedule for P0002 shows inout as deactivated
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