Reporting SQL for Products and vendor/ customer
Testcase to check if the reporting SQL for Products and vendor/ customer is working correctly.
- Run the excel report for Zendierung Lieferanten Excel, leave it open for comparison
- => products with qties and bpartners displayed, for different periods of time
- => all qties of products are displayed in kg
- => many products have: no CH / no Inland / no AdR, others have alle Merkmale
Make sure P0001 & P0002 are displayed in the Excel, and note the the periods for them, make sure they both have no CH / no Inland / no AdR for G000X!
- Create a purchase order for G000X:
- P0001, 10 TU A (kg!)
- P0002, 10 TU B (Stk)
- In Wareneingang POS, create inouts:
- P0001, 3 TU A (15kg), no ASI
- P0001, 1 TU A (5kg), CH & AdR
- P0001, 1 TU A (5kg), no ASI
- P0002, 5 TU B (30 Stk, = 4.5 kg), Inland
- P0002, 3 TU B (18 Stk, = 2.7 kg), no ASI
Make sure the inouts have movement date not included in the periods of the report
- Use SQL to update the movement date of each inout to one covered by the periods displayed in the report, check the report after EACH upate:
- => 1st inout of P0001: qty is displayed / update correctly (15kg or 15+ original qty)
- => 2nd inout of P0001: qty is NOT displayed bc of ASI
- => 3rd inout of P0001: qty is updated correctly (20kg or 20+ original qty)
- => 1st inout of P0002: qty is NOT displayed bc of ASI
- => 2nd inout of P0002: qty is displayed / update correctly (2.7 kg or 2.7+ original qty)
- Reactivate the 1st inout of P0002, and change the ASI:
- take out Inland, set a different country (!= CH)
- Complete the inout, and run the excel again:
- => qty of P0002: qty is update correctly (7.2 kg or 7.2+ original qty)
Check the excel report for Zedierung Kunden, leave it open
- Repeat the test for sales side:
- make sure P0003 has Alle Merkmale set in the report
- run the report for before / after completing inouts
- Compare results with the original excel:
- => P0003 is always displayed if the inout has movement date included by the period and is completed
- => P0001 & P0002 are included if the ASI is not CH / Inland / AdR and the inout has movement date included by the period and is completed
- => sums of qties are added up correctly
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