#121 Empties Returns for Vendors and Customers in Material Receipt Window
Testcase to check creating empties returns from material receipt
create a new puchase order for G000X and add product P0001, complete
go to referenced documents and open Material Receipt Window
select a line and select the dropdown arrow on the right
- select empties receive
- => a new window opens “Empties Receive” (see that ID of window and view are changed in the link)
- => new draft document was created, with bpartner, address, warehouse, order and document type set
- add a new HU via Batch entry
- add a new HU via Add new
- => panel for adding a new product opens
- => adding a new HU works fine
- go back to Material Receipt Window and this time select empties return
- => a new window opens “Empties Return” (see that ID of window and view are changed in the link)
- => new draft document was created, with bpartner, address, warehouse, order and document type set
- add a new HU via Batch entry
- add a new HU via Add new
- => panel for adding a new product opens
- => adding a new HU works fine
- Go back to Material Receipt Window and don’t select any line, press on empties receive or return