#1211 Preparation Time: Change to first possible on same Day as Promised Date-Time
Testcase to check if the preparation time is set correctly
Go to Tour window and create 2 new ones
for both: create 1 version weekly, select each day and on version line set your bpartner G000X and buffer 4
for the first one set 11:30 on each day
for the first one set 18:30 on each day
on tour tab, select gear - generate delivery days (do this for both)
- set date from and date to (i chose 26.04.2017 and 31.08.2017)
- go to sales order and create a new one (note that created date is 26.04.2017 15:51)
- => date promised is put by default on today 23:59
- => in my case is 26.04.2017 23:59
- => preparation date is on 26.04.2017 18:30 (because it’s the closest time to arrive at that hour)
- change the hour so that it won’t make in time (4h buffer) (e.g. 26.04.2017 21:59)
- => preparation date is empty (because in my case it’s 16:50 and the one from 11:30 passed)
- change date promised to 27.04.2017 00:00
- => preparation date is on 26.04.2017 18:30
- change date promised to 27.04.2017 00:00
- => preparation date is on 26.04.2017 18:30
- change date promised to 27.04.2017 15:30
- => preparation date is on 27.04.2017 11:30
- change date promised to 02.05.2017 23:59
- => preparation date is on 02.05.2017 11:30
- change date promised to 02.09.2017 23:59
- => preparation date is on 31.08.2017 18:30 (because this is our last deliveryday)
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