#150 Material Receipt Candidates not updated after receive HU
Testcase to make sure the Material Receipt Candidates are updated after receive HU
- Create a purchase order for G000X
- Create an orderLine for this order, product P0001, TU A, QtyTU = 2, QtyCU = 20
- Complete order
Go to the created receipt schedules, select the product one
Receive HUs: 1 LU, 10 TU, 10 CU
Perform “Create Material Receipt”
- Go back to the material receipt candidate
- => OK: Received TU = 10
- =>OK: Received CU = 100
- Receive hus again:
- 1 LU, 10 TU, 10 CU
- Create material receipt
- Reverse
- Go back to the material receipt candidate
- => OK: Received TU = 10
- =>OK: Received CU = 100
- Receive hus again:
- 3 LU, 10 TU, 10 CU
- Create material receipt for all 3
- Reverse one of them
- Go back to the material receipt candidate
- => OK: Received TU = 30
- =>OK: Received CU = 300
Go back to the purchase order, linked documents, open linked material receipts
Select one material receipt, reverse it
- Go back to the material receipt candidate
- => OK: Received TU = 20
- =>OK: Received CU = 200
Go back to the purchase order, linked documents, open linked material receipts
Select one material receipt, void it
- Go back to the material receipt candidate
- => OK: Received TU = 10
- =>OK: Received CU = 100
Go back to the purchase order, linked documents, open linked material receipts
Select the left material receipt, close it
- Go back to the material receipt candidate
- => OK: Received TU = 10
- =>OK: Received CU = 100 (the same)
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