#176 Attributes editor problems
Testcase to make sure the Attributes can be set and modified in material receipt candidate
- Create a purchase order for G000X
- Add line for Produyct P0001 on TU1
- Set some attribute values in the ASI of this line
- Complete the otder
Go to its receipt schedules, select the one for the CU product
- Open the ASI of the schedule
- => OK: All the attributes that were set in the order are preserved
- Change an attribute, click somewhere else, click on the attributes again
- => OK: The attribute you changed has the value you set to it
- => OK: All the other attributes have values as before
Receive HUs, create a material receipt for this candidate
- Go to the newly created material receipt, to the product line, open advanced editing, check ASI
- => OK: The attributes are preserved
- Note: the receipt is completed so the fields of the line are read-only. Might be that the attributes are not all visible on the button. To make sure they were preserved, reactivate the receipt and check again => OK: The attributes are still preserved