- setup:
- make sure you have the following TUs for P0001:
- TU A x 10
- TU B x 4
- TU C x 10 bpartner G000X
- TU A x 20 bpartner G000Y
- Create and complete a purchase order for G000X:
go to referenced documents and open Material Receipt Candidates
- select the line with the product
- => the actions button gets green and “5 TU A x 10 kg”
- => qty ordered: 5, packing material: TU A, received TUs: 0
- select the arrow and select “Receive CU with Qty”
- => new panel opens with “Menge CU” field, value 50
change menge cu value to 30
- HU Editor opens
- => with 1 line of product P0001
- => hu type: CU
- => mange CU: 30, uom: kg
- => status planning
- select the dropdown arrow and select “Transform”
- => new panel opens with “Aktion” field
- => you can select CU on new CU or CU on new TU
- select cu on new tu
- => new fields appeared:
- => packing material, qty CU, own package
- => in packing material you can choose only from TU A x 10, TU B x 4 and TU C x 10
select TU A x 10 on packing material
- set menge cu to 21 and leave own package on N
- => hu editor opens with 3 TU A x 10 (2 with 10kg and 1 with 1kg)
- => and 1 line with 9kg on CU
select the line with the free CU, use Transform
- use CU on new TUs, put it on 2 TU B x 4 (menge CU:8 8), set own package on Y
- => hu editor opens with 2 new TU B x 4, 4 kg each
- => the line with free CU has now 1 kg
select the line with 1 kg, use transforming
- select CU on new TU, select TU B x 4, qty CU 1 and leave own package on N
- => hu editor opens with 1 new line, 1 TU B x 4 , 1kg
- verify each TU line for tara weight
- => each line has the correct weight (the weight of that TU)
- select all lines and press on create material receipt
- => you are back on Material Receipt Candidates window
- => the green button now says ““1 TU A x 10 kg”
- => see receipt candidate: qty ordered: 5, packing material: TU A, received TUs: 4
- check the newly created receipt
- => 1 line with the product, 30 kg
- => 1 line with 3 TU A x 10 (see step 10)
- => 1 line with 1 TU B x 4 (see steps 12 and 14) - the reason that 2 TU B x 4 are not here is because the “own package” was on Y
- select the dropdown and choose “Receive CUs”
- => hu editor opens with 1 line, free CU, 20 kg, planning
select the line and use Transform
- select CU on new CU, qty 10
- => now you have 2 lines with free CUs , both 10 kg
select the first line and use Transform
- choose CU on new TUs, select TU C x 10, menge CU 10, own package N
- => new line with 1 TU C x 10
select the line with the TU and use Transform
- select TU on new TUs, select TU B x 4, qty TU 3, own package N
- => the line with TU C x 10 is not there anymore
- => 3 new lines with TU B x 4 (2 with 4 kg and 1 with 2 kg)
select the line with CU and use transforming
- select CU on existing TU, qty CU 2 and latest TU
- => all lines with TU B x 4 have now 4 kg
- => the line with Cu has 8 kg
select the line with CU, use Transform
- use CU on new TUs, TU C x 10, qty CU 8
- => new line with TU C, 8 kg
select the line with TU C and use Transform, use TU on new LU
- select TU C x10, an LU, qty TU 1
- => there is 1 new line with LU, which contains the TU C, 8 kg
select a line with TU B, use transform, choose TU on new LU
- select TU B x 4, a LU, qty TU 2
- => new line with LU, which contains TU B x 1, 4 kg
- => the other 2 lines with TU B are there
select the line with free TU B and use transform, choose TU on existing LU
- qty TU 2, LU the last created one
- => the existing line with LU TU B updated to TU B x 2, 8 kg
- move the remaining TU on LU (select TU B x 4, a LU, qty TU 1)
- => line with LU updates: LU x 3, 12 kg
- => new line with TU B inside this LU, 4 kg
- set a label on each LU and a attribute that is different on both, and also check tara weights
- => tara is calculated ok: weight of the LU
- select both LUs and run Create Material Reeceipt
- => receipt candidate’s qty moved tu is now 8
- => new receipt was created
- => the green button is now “5 TU A x 10” vecause the product got received completely
- open the newly created receipt
- => there are 2 lines with the product P0001: one with asi 1 and 8kg, one with asi 2 and 12 kg
- => 1 line with 3 TU B
- => 1 line with 1 TU C
- => 1 line tith 2 LUs
go back to Material Receipt Candidates, select the line with product and use “Receive CU with Qty”
set qty 30 then transform the whole qty in 3 TU A x 10
select a TU, use transform and “TU on LU”
- make the same with another TU
- => now you have 1 free TU and 2 LUs, each with 1 TU
- put the last TU on a random LU using “TU on existing LU”
- => now there are only 2 LUs, 1 with 2 TUs, 1 with 1 TU
- => on the one with 2 TUs, the TU is called “TU A x 2”, the other LU has “TU A x 1”
remember the value of the LU with 1 TU, select the TU inside it, use transform
- select “TU on existing LU” and select the LU with 2 TUs
- => the empty Lu is not shown anymore
- => the LU with 3 TUs has “TU A x 3” written and there are 30 kg on it
- select the LU line, select the dropdown arrow
- => transform button is readonly