can’t complete order when m_attributesetinstance_id is null
Testcase to check if an order can be completed without problems when taking out the attribute in orderline.
Open sales order and create a new one, for G000X
- Add P0001, on TU A, using batch entry:
- make sure an attribute like e.g. Bio is set from pricelist, or set it yourself
After the line is saved, right click on the orderline
Remove the product with X
- Add P0001 back to the orderline:
- => m_attributesetinstance_id is null now
- Complete the order:
- => completion works fine, no error is thrown about Invalid(‘M_AttributeSetInstance_ID is mandatory.’)
- Repeat the test with another sales order for G000X, use P0002 on TU B, but add the product using Add new!
- => completion works fine, no error is thrown about Invalid(‘M_AttributeSetInstance_ID is mandatory.’)
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