Testcase to check if the bpartner field is updated correctly when using QuickInput bpartner
Create a nes sales order in webui
- As bpartner, start writing the name of a bpartner that does not yet exist:
- => No results found, QuickInput option is displayed (Neuen Geschäftspartner anlegen)
- Click the QuickInput option:
- => window for creating new bpartner opens
- Create a new bpartner, set:
- name of company
- address
- pricelist
- check Kunde
- a contact person with name, email etc.
- After editing all, click Done:
- => QuickInput closes
- => data you set in QuickInput is used for bpartner info: name, address, pricelist etc. are all set correctly, as you entered them in Quick Input
- You can also try Print to see the PDF of the order:
- => all info from QuickInput is set correctly in the PDF
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