remove deprecated staleTabIds
Testcase to check if deprecated staleTabIds are removed.
- create new order. Don’t add anything yet
- => allowCreateNew:false OK
- => allowDelete:true OK
- => buttons to add new lines are hidden OK
- add all mandatory fields (you can also add a new line)
- => allowCreateNew:true OK
- => allowDelete:true OK
- => buttons to add new lines are shown OK
- add lines if you didn’t add yet. Complata the document
- => allowCreateNew:false OK
- => allowDelete:false OK
- => buttons to add new lines are hidden OK
create a new order and add all mandatory fields
- remove a mandatory field like bpartner
- => allowCreateNew:true NOK
- => allowDelete:true NOK
- => buttons to add new lines are shown NOK
=> will be solved in
create a new order, set all mandatory fields
- add an empty line (using add new with no product)
- => allowCreateNew:false OK
- => allowDelete:true OK
- => buttons to add new lines are hidden OK
- => you can remove the line OK
- add mandatory field on line (the product)
- => allowCreateNew:true OK
- => allowDelete:true OK
- => buttons to add new lines are shown OK
- => you can remove the line OK
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