#453 Closing modal or window with unsaved changes
Testcase to check if unsaved documents disappear
- open a window that does not exist (e.g. …/window/540196/1)
- => browser is not asking if i want to leave the page
- => the documents view opened instead (e.g. …/window/540196)
create a new order and don’t set mandatory fields (copy the link to use it later)
- move to another window
- => browser is asking if i want to leave the page
- => if i choose yes i am getting on the next window, if no i remain there
- use back button
- => you get back to your unsaved document
- paste the link of your docu in a new browser tab
- => exactly that docu is opening
create a new sales order, add all mandatory fields
use add new to create a new line
- don’t set the product (which is mandatory), press done
- => browser is asking if i want to leave the page
- => if i choose yes i am getting back on sales order, if no i remain there
- check your order
- => the line is red and the order is not saved (because the product in orderline is not set)
- go to other window and come back
- => your order is still there