#507 Allow Copy with details for BOM
Testcase to check if copying with details works for BOM.
- Make sure you have a valid BOM for P0001:
- P0001 as product that is produced
- details: qty of products needed to produce P0001
- Open the BOM of P0001, click copy with details:
- => BOM of P0001 is copied: same header, same detail lines with components, co-products, qties etc.
- => only search key is not copied
- Try saving the new BOM:
- => error msg because of duplicate
- Change product in the header, name, save:
- Copy the original BOM, but without details:
- => only header is copied, detail lines are empty
Note: If you use copy with details and set a product from the BOM lines in header, you can save the BOM, but: if you want to use copy with details on the newly created BOM, that’s not possible
since product in product in BOM line are the same; this is an old issue and will be fixed in https://github.com/metasfresh/metasfresh/issues/807.
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