#752 request report does not show requestes that don’t have product or inout
Testcase to check if the request report also shows requests that don’t have product or inout set.
- Create a request in window Vorgang, set:
- type: customer request
- delivery date
- note
- response 1
- DON’T set a product, bpartner, or inout!
- Save:
- => new line for the latest response (Ergebnis) was created
- Create a request in window Vorgang (alle), set:
- type: vendor request
- delivery date
- note
- response 2
- DON’T set a product, bpartner, or inout!
- Save:
- => new line for the latest response (Ergebnis) was created
- Run the request report, for the dates which include your delivery dates in requests, no other filters:
- => the lines from your 2 requests are displayed, showing only what you set in the requests: the response, delivery date, status
- Run the request report again, set product / bpartner etc. (data you didn’t set in the requests) in filter:
- => the lines for your 2 requests are not displayed, since these parameters were not filled for them
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