#806 Customs report minor fixes
Testcase to check the customs report.
Make sure P0001 has UOM: kg, and P0002 has UOM: Stk
- Create a purchase order for G000X:
- P0001, TU A: 10
- P0002, TU B: 10
- Open Wareneingang POS, and create inouts for P0001:
- open HU Editor with: 1 LU with 1 TU several times, have all LUs with different weights, use the +/- button or set weight manually (keep in mind which was weight gross and weight net!)
- open HU Editor with: 1 LU with 2 TUs, split off 1 TU with no LU, and change the same ASI on the LU and the free TU, then join them again
- open HU Editor with: 2 LUs with 1 TU each, merge the 2 LUs so you only have 1 left, with 2 TUs on it
- open HU Editor with: 1 LU with 1 TU, change the weight; after inout is created, reverse it, using Korrektur
- Create inouts for P0002:
- open HU Editor with: 1 LU with 1 TU several times, have all LUs with different weights, use the +/- button or set weight manually (keep in mind which was weight gross and weight net!)
- open HU Editor with: 1 LU with 1 TU, change the weight; after inout is created, reverse it, using Korrektur
- open HU Editor with: 1 LU with 1 TU, change the tare weight (so the net weight is changed, but not the gross weight!)
- Open Wareneingang window, check the lines and the Handling Unit Assignment tab:
- => qties of HUs are displayed correctly
- => product weight shows weight net for P0001, and qty Stk for P0002
- => ASI shown are the ones set for LU
- => Handling Unit Assignment shows the LU and TU with HU no., BUT the tab is empty for the reversed inout!
- Gear, run Zolldokument drucken (customes report):
- => doc name: Hausverzollung, with correct date, G000X info, etc.
- => no Watermark is displayed in the Jasper
- => report shows the product name, the palette no. (=> LU no.), and weight gross
- => only the active inouts are displayed, the LUs from the reversed inouts are not included
- => the weight is the weight gross from HU Editor (product weight + HU weight, so weight of LU + TU(s))
- => both products are shown with weight gross, also P0002 with UOM: Stk
- => no palette no. is displayed twice, so the LU with 2 TUs that have different ASI is also displayed only once
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