#863 Process confirmation window needs to be changed
Testcase to check if process confirmation window appears when needed
Create a new sales order and complete it
Zoom in to SchipmentSchedule and wait for it to update
press on gear, and select create shipments
- run the process
- => after the process is done, confirmation window does not appear
from sales order zoom into invoice candidates
- on gear select create invoice
- => after the process is done, confirmation window does not appear
go to order candidates (import an edi file if there aren’t any)
- on gear select create orders
- => after the process is done, confirmation window does not appear
- as a regression test, select any process from menu (e.g. a jasper or purchase order from sales order) and run it
- => after the process is done, confirmation window appears, and you can press on back to change the fields
- => note that for jasper processes, confirmation window appears only when they return no pages
- => note that the process needs to have allowprocessrerun on Y
- select any process from gear (e.g. recompute HUs in inout or a jasper) and run it
- => after the process is done, confirmation window does not appear
- => note that the process needs to have allowprocessrerun on N
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