#870 Invoice Candidate price-qty overwrite lost when ReverseCorrect
Testcase to check if the price-qty overwrite in Invoice Candidate is kept after ReverseCorrect of the invoice.
- Create a sales order for G000X:
- P0001, 2 TU A, 2.00
- P0002, 3 TU B, 3.00
- P0001, 1 TU B, 2.50
Create the inout for the order
- Open the invoice candidates, and change the prices with price override field:
- P0001, 2 TU A, 2.00: set 1.00
- P0002, 3 TU B, 3.00: set 4.00
- P0001, 1 TU B, 2.50: set 0.00
- Save and wait for refresh, then invoice the ICs:
- => prices used for invoicing are the ones set in override field
- => ICs are marked as completely invoiced
- ReverseCorrect the invoice (Storno):
- => invoice is reverded, and marked as paid
- Go back to invoice candidates:
- => ICs are not invoiced anymore, can be invoiced again
- => the prices you set in the override fields are still displayed as before
- Invoice again:
- => prices used for invoicing are still the ones set in override field
Create another sales order for G000X, same products and qties, and create the inout
- Open the invoice candidates, and change the qties with qty override field:
- P0001, 2 TU A, 20kg: set 10kg
- P0002, 3 TU B, 3 Stk: set 4 Stk
- P0001, 1 TU B, 10kg: set 0.00
- Save and wait for refresh, then invoice the ICs:
- => qties used for invoicing are the ones set in override field
- => ICs are marked as completely invoiced
- ReverseCorrect the invoice (Storno):
- => invoice is reverded, and marked as paid
- Go back to invoice candidates:
- => ICs are not invoiced anymore, can be invoiced again
- => the qties you set in the override fields are still displayed as before
- Invoice again:
- => qties used for invoicing are the ones set in override field
- Repeat the test for purchase side, with G000X as vendor:
- Also make sure that you can still change the qty to invoice and price to invoice after the reverse, so reverse 2 invoices a 2nd time and change price to inovice override, and qty to invoice override, and invoice once more
*=> the latest changes you set are taken for the invoice
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