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IT gh#928

#928 have a way to control which contact is used on addresses in order

Testcase to check the contact user in orders

  1. Go to bpartner G000X and open the users subtab

  2. make sure you have multiple users, none sales or purchase users

  3. create a new purchase order and add bpartner G000X
  4. create a new sales order and add bpartner G000X
  5. go back to bpartner G000X, users subtab, and make some users sales and some purchase

  6. repeat steps 3 and 4
  7. go back to bpartner G000X, users subtab, and make a user purchase default and one sales default

  8. repeat steps 3 and 4
  9. go back to bpartner G000X, users subtab, and try to make multiple users sales and purchase default
  10. for the orders created at step 9 (user_id and bill_user set), create invoice and inout
  11. create 2 new orders, sales and purchase and set random user_id and bill_user. Create invoices and inouts

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