Testcase to check the contact user in orders
Go to bpartner G000X and open the users subtab
make sure you have multiple users, none sales or purchase users
- create a new purchase order and add bpartner G000X
- => user_id and bill_user_id are empty
- => on dropdown you can change to any existing user
- create a new sales order and add bpartner G000X
- => user_id and bill_user_id are empty (not visible in sales order window)
go back to bpartner G000X, users subtab, and make some users sales and some purchase
- repeat steps 3 and 4
- => works the same, nothing set on user_id and bill_user_id
go back to bpartner G000X, users subtab, and make a user purchase default and one sales default
- repeat steps 3 and 4
- => user_id and bill_user_id are set with the default purchase / sales user
- go back to bpartner G000X, users subtab, and try to make multiple users sales and purchase default
- => you can’t. Each time, remains the last one you set
- for the orders created at step 9 (user_id and bill_user set), create invoice and inout
- => invoices and inouts have user_id set with the one in orders
- create 2 new orders, sales and purchase and set random user_id and bill_user. Create invoices and inouts
- => invoices and inouts have user_id set with the one in orders
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