Testcase 1
(taken from https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kzJpnT0MoAl9XlpSevm1AnAt2i0IDU3D3rBiswtcoYA/edit#gid=0, testcase 11189)
Procurement: purchase candidates have editable price
Testcase to check if the price taken from flatrate term / pricelist can be edited in Bestelldisposition after the ProductSupply from WebUI and is correctly taken from there in purchase order, invoice etc.
- Open Bestelldispo, select a purchase candidate
- Preis: taken from Flatrate_DataEntry; if none was set there: Preis is taken from pricelist
- Preis abweichend: can be added manually
- Set a price in Preis abweichend, save, then do Aktion: Bestellen, OK
- Bestellung is created
- Preis in orderline: as set in Preis abweichend
- Complete the Bestellung, make an inout in Wareneingang POS
- HU Editor, Wareneingang POS: VPI costprice = as set in Bestelldispo, Preis abweichend
- Create the invoice for your Bestellung
- price = as set in Bestelldispo, Preis abweichend
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