#89 Adjust DocAction Names
Test if Action names are correct in English and German
Test if Action names are correct in English
Log into webui with an English Language User
Create a new Sales Order
- Go to action panel
- OK: The status is Drafted
- OK: The following actions are available: “Complete”, “Prepare” and “Void”
- Complete the sales order
- OK: Status = Completed
- OK: The following actions are available: “Re-activate” and “Void”
- Reativate the order
- OK: Status: In Progress
- OK: The following actions are available: “Complete”, “Prepare” and “Void”
Test if Action names are correct in German
Log into webui with a German Language User
Create a new Sales Order
- Go to action panel
- OK: The status is Entwurf
- OK: The following actions are available: “Fertigstellen”, “Löschen” and “Vorbereiten”
- Complete the sales order
- OK: Status = Fertiggestellt
- OK: The following actions are available: “Löschen” and “Reaktivieren”
- Reativate the order
- OK: Status: In Verarbeitung
- OK: The following actions are available: “Fertigstellen”, “Löschen” and “Vorbereiten”
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