#1070 Price not transferred to flatrate term
Testcase to make sure price is transfered from orderline to flatrate term
Setup data:
- Create a flatrate transition with following data:
- Calendar Contract: Kalendar
- Term Duration : 1
- Term Duration Unit: Year
- Delivery Interval: 1
- Delivery Interval Unit: Year
- Term Of Notice: 1
- Term Of Notice Unit: Month
Complete the transition
- Create a Flatrate Conditions entry
- Set the transition above
- Set the IsNewTermCreatedOrder on true
- Complete the conditions
- Create a sales order for G000X
- Add line for Produyct P0001
- Set the flatrate conditions above
- Set a price (e.g. 15 currency units)
Complete the order
- Go to the partner G000X open its referenced documents
- Go to Contract, find the one created for the product P0001
=> OK: It has the price = 15 currency units, as specified in the order line.