##195 Restrict when allowing to create a new included document
Testcase to make sure the included documents can only be created in certain conditions
Create a new purchase order, do not set a partner
- Go to PO Line, press “Add new”
- => OK: line was not created
- => OK: Got an error message like “Document XYZ* state is invalid: Cannot create included document because it’s not allowed.”
- Go to PO line, press batch entry
- => OK: the fields for batch entry(product and qty) are not displayed
- => OK: Got an error message like “Document XYZ* state is invalid: Cannot create included document because it’s not allowed.”
- Go to order tax, repeat 2 and 3
Go to the Business partner, set G000X ( the order is saevd now)
- Go to orderline, Press Add New , do not set anything, press Done
- => new empty line created (not saved because it lacks mandatory fields)
- Press Add new again
- => OK: line was not created
- => OK: Got an error message like “Document XYZ* state is invalid: Cannot create included document because it’s not allowed.”
- Press Batch entry
- => OK: the fields for batch entry(product and qty) are not displayed
- => OK: Got an error message like “Document XYZ* state is invalid: Cannot create included document because it’s not allowed.”
“XYZ*” : document identifier window/documentNo
- If you complete the line with a product and qty, you are able to use Add New and Batch Entry and lines are created without error.
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