material tracking: total received qty and scrap sometimes missing on invoice
Testcase to check if total received qty and scrap are included in the Endabrechnung
of a M_Material_Tracking, where the quality inspection (M_QualityInsp_LagerKonf) does not include
AdditionalFee and ProcessingFee.
- Find a bpartner that has a C_Flatrate_Term for product P000167_Knollensellerie Lager
- Create M_Material_Tracking for this bpartner and P000167_Knollensellerie Lager, with correct M_QualityInsp_LagerKonf_Version
- Create a purchase order for your bpartner, P000167_Knollensellerie Lager, e.g. 15 TUs
- In orderline, ASI, choose the Material-Vorgang-ID you set in M_Material_Tracking; save & complete
- In Wareneingang POS, set destination warehouse: Produktion LG for your orderline
- Make inout for 4 Paloxen
- Set a different destination warehouse, make inout for the rest
- Create a PP_Order:
- Type: Waschprobe
- your Material-Vorgang-ID
- product: P000164_Knollensellerie gewaschen
- Workflow: LG Karotten
- BOM: P000164_Knollensellerie gewaschen
- Ressource & Warehouse: Industriestrasse, Produktion LG
- Qty: 500
- Dates: date of test
- Save & complete
- Open Produktion Fertigstellung POS, Produktion LG, and select you PP_Order
- Press Zuteilung, select 2 of your TUs from inout, step 6.
- Press Empfang, and do receipt for P000164_Knollensellerie gewaschen and P001926_Knollensellerie gross gewaschen
- Close PP_Order
- => invoice candidates are created for the first PP_Order
- Open Rechnungsdispo, search for your Material-Vorgang-ID
- => invoice candidates for purchase order and PP_Order:
- => ICs for P000167_Knollensellerie Lager, Paloxe, P000164_Knollensellerie gewaschen and P001926_Knollensellerie
- => IC for MT_Witholding_Akonto_Akonto (Einbehalt)
- Gear, Fakturierung: invoice the ICs to get the Akonto invoice
- => invoice: Akontozahlung, with P000164_Knollensellerie gewaschen and P001926_Knollensellerie & MT_Witholding_Akonto_Akonto (Einbehalt)
- => jasper for Akontozahlung: displays PP_Order and P000167_Knollensellerie Lager with qty from inout, step 6., and Erdbesatz with resp. qties from 1. PP_Order, 50% Einbehalt
- => invoice: Eingangsrechnung for Paloxen
- Repeat 8.-15., for the Endabrechnung
- => invoice candidates for PP_Order, as in 14.1, plus IC for MT_Witholding_Akonto_Akonto (Einbehalt)
- => additional IC for MT_RegularPPOrder_Produkt für Auslagerung
- => invoice: Endabrechnung, with P000164_Knollensellerie gewaschen and P001926_Knollensellerie & MT_Witholding_Akonto_Akonto (Einbehalt)
- => jasper for Endabrechnung:
- => displays PP_Orders and P000167_Knollensellerie Lager with qty from inout, step 6., and Erdbesatz with resp. qties from 2. PP_Order
- => Akonto-Netto: net sum from 15.
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