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Report Konten-Information Rev+Exp accounts Saldovortrag year end

Testcase to check if Saldovortrag in Konten-Information for Revenue or Expense accounts from year end is not taken for the new year.

  1. Run report Salobilanz for the last day of last year, e.g. 31.12.2015

  2. Note the amounts for accts X and Y (numbers are examples):

    Account Amount 31.12.2015
    X 1.000 000
    Y 50.000
  3. Run report Salobilanz for the first day of this year, e.g. 01.01.2016, note the amounts for accts X and Y:

    Account Amount 01.01.2016
    X <1.000 000
    Y >=50.000
  4. Run Konten-Information for
    Account Anfangssaldo 01.01.2016 Summe
    X 0.00 sum of postings for acct X on 01.01.16 only
    Y 50.000 50.000 + sum of postings for acct Y on 01.01.16
  5. In Konten (Account Element), change the account type of account X to one != Expense or Revenue, check currency and select EUR

  6. Again, run Konten-Information for
    Account Anfangssaldo 01.01.2016 Summe Summe in Euro
    X 1.000 000 1.000 000 + sum of postings for acct X on 01.01.16 sum from Summe in EUR
    Y 50.000 50.000 + sum of postings for acct Y on 01.01.16 not displayed

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