IT FRESH-307 (incl. FRESH-326)
New Organisation: Financial Data of existing Org
Testcase to check if the financial data of a specific Org
is displayed in the reports of this Org only, and not
another one.
Please note: I created and saved all financial reports for Org I and II, before the task was rolled out, in order to compare them with the reports after the rollout. For comparison reasons, I then used the same
dates used for the old reports when running the new ones as well (e.g. same Stichtag, same time period etc.). I also selected the same account, if it was a necessary filter (e.g. for Konten-Information).
Log in with Org I, as Admin
- Run the following financial reports (leave them open for comparison):
- Bankauszug FiBU
- Bilanz
- Bundesamt für Statistik
- Deckungsbeitrag Kurz
- Deckungsbeitrag Kurz mit Vorjahr
- Deckungsbeitragsrechnung
- Konten-Information
- Kostenstellenwechsel
- => Org I is already selected, read-only
- => financial data displayed is only the data of Org I
In a different session, log in with Org II, Admin
Run the same financial reports again
- => Org II is already selected, read-only
- => financial data displayed is only the data of Org II (if there is no existing financial data for Org II, the report will have no pages or all amts = 0.00)
Run report Fibukonto-Kontoblatt, set Org I
- => Org is not selected, but can be set (=> role Admin!)
- => financial data displayed is only the data of Org I
Run report Fibukonto-Kontoblatt again, set Org II
- => financial data displayed is only the data of Org II (if there is no existing financial data for Org II, the report will have no pages or all amts = 0.00)
Create a sales invoice A for G000X in Org I, and one invoice B for G000Y in Org II
Complete them, and make sure they are both posted (check which accounts are used for posting!)
Run Konten-Information for Org I and the resp. account used for posting of the invoice of G000X
- => invoice A is displayed and the sum is included in the overall amt, NOT invoice B
Run Konten-Information for Org II and the resp. account used for posting of the invoice of G000Y
- => invoice B is displayed and the sum is included in the overall amt, NOT invoice A
Run Saldobilanz again for Org I
- => amt of the acct used for posting of invoice A is increased by the resp. sum
Run Saldobilanz again for Org II
- => amt of the acct used for posting of invoice B is increased by the resp. sum
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